Saturday, February 9, 2008


E and S love going to Yard Sales (ever since we found a set of Star Wars figures). So, yesterday we stopped by one. They had lots of books! I love books. We picked out a big stack. I picked out some old ones- just because I love old ones. There is something about the innocence of the illustrations and the text that makes me happy. The oldest one I purchased was published in 1937. From what I could tell the Golden books were from around 1967 (my birth year). They were 50 cents a piece. To top it off when we left the woman holding the sale had enjoyed visiting with the children so much that she sent them home with a bag of pirate dress ups.


  1. how fun! I can't wait til it warms up here and yard sales start up.

  2. You'll have to make sure that Grandma knows that her LOVE for yard sales still lives. I'm so glad they can realize the treasures in thrifting. Love ya.

  3. I haven't had a lot of luck at yard sales here, but I'm hoping that now that I know the area better, I'll have more fun. I sure found some cool things in Mesa.


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