Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Magic Hair

S, age 3, came up to me the other day and said, "Mom, I love your hair". I said,"thanks". Then with a bit of awe he added,"it changes colors". Yes, it's true. I've been trying for a long time to find a hair color that I like, that covers gray, that I can afford to have done... I guess the variety has impressed one person (o:


  1. That is such a cute comment. I do love having my hair colored. It is the one way I feel pampered and splurge on myself, but wow, it is pricey. I should probably stop and start saving my money for when it goes gray and I have no choice, huh :)

  2. That story makes me chuckle. I loved it so much I shared it with David. Maybe the colors are like mood indicators.

  3. LOL!!! I love kids. I got my hair chopped today and when Brighton saw me, she said, "Mom, you look weird." Thanks Brighton :)


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