Friday, June 20, 2008

The Evidence

Sorry, I haven't posted much lately. There have just been one too many things to worry about and about forty too many things that need done- now... here is the evidence of my stress level.

And a sneak peek at two of the projects I've been working on. A scrapbook for my mother in law-(she kindly sent me a quickkutz silhouette to make it easier).

And a gift quilt (for snuggling under while watching old movies) made with fresh squeezed charm squares and coordinating fabric from Hancocks.

Hopefully I'll be breathing easier in about three weeks- have a great day!


  1. I love that quilt. I think you have inspired me to start collecting some fabric for my own quilt. I love it. I came across this website/blog for things to do with preschoolers and I thought you might want to cheack it out. It's such a cute site.
    I love you and hang in there. Is there anything I can do to help?

  2. Yeah, you have a busy few weeks huh? I'm sure looking forward to seeing you all in 1 1/2 weeks. :)
    Love ya!

  3. Yor eating all that sugar without me!!! I love the quilt. You did an awesome job. I miss you tuns and am so excited to see you. Good job on grandma's book. She will love it.


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