Thursday, June 5, 2008

Opinions Please

I finished this bracelet the other day- it's supposed to have a vintage look. I think it needs more beads and or charms- what do you think?


  1. Do you have any gold or rusty looking metal trinkets? I think they would look good next to each row of beads. Super cute choice of beads!!

  2. It's really prity but it would be even better with the beads Amber sugested. I love you.

  3. Thanks for the ideas- I think I'll look for some.

  4. It is pretty! It's hard for me to tell if it needs changed unless I saw it dangling on your arm, but I really like it. Did you just use jump rings for all the dangles and then close the jump ring yourself? Does that stay? I tried to do something similar once, but I think I used super cheap jump rings and they broke or twisted open. I never knew if I did it right or if I should have done something else. off topic, but drumroll, I bought some fabric for a project...haven't worked on a project in who knows how long, I guess I better wait and see if I actually do it.

  5. I used split rings (like tiny key ring circles). They are more secure, but they are a PAIN to put on- good luck on future projects-


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