Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bag Lady

I finished this bag this week. It's a late birthday gift for a daughter. It's supposed to be a heavy duty book bag. The snaps directions were a pain- and they really aren't difficult to put on.

We've been having LOTS of rain. It makes me want to curl up with a good book or an old movie and a bowl of popcorn or mug of steaming hot chocolate. We always had hot chocolate when it rained in Arizona. I think I'll do that later today.... have a happy day where you are.


  1. Hello mom. I have a suggestion for your movie to watch in the rain, Walk don't run. It is a remake of More the Merrier, but it has Cary Grant in it. It is a cute movie and a little different. Enjoy..Love ya.

  2. amazing like always! I can't wait for the day when I feel like accomplishing things.

  3. Great job on the bag mom. You sure have gotten crafty.

  4. That is very cute. :)
    I should be sewing, but I am procrastinating! :)


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