Friday, July 10, 2009

New Blogs for Entertaining Kids

My kids have reached the boredom phase of the summer. The since-I'm-bored-I-think-I'll-entertain-myself-by-annoying & teasing-someone-else-stage (also known as the watch-mommy-pull-her-hair-out-stage).

I'm all for "entertain yourself" parenting. But I think its healthy to offer a new idea now and then. I found this new blog full of activities to do with the kids. Most of them are very inexpensive and looked like things that kids would love!! The more recent posts are more time intense than her earlier posts- just a tip for finding what meets the needs of your family.

Here is another wonderful list of 77 boredom busters. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Awww...thanks for posting this! What a blessing! I understand completely this stage - oh my, where is the Calgon? :)

    Blessings to you!


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