Monday, August 17, 2009

Camping In the Pines -Enjoyed

We're back home. Clean. Isn't plumbing wonderful?! I think all the camping laundry is done too- thanks to my dear hubby.

We camped in the green mountains near Ruidoso, New Mexico and set up our tent next to a small meadow- hoping to see a few deer. Instead there were about 30 elk- cows and their calves grazing through the night.

My children- probably future combustion experts- gathered the wood, helped start the fires, and kept the fires going. We did some hiking and took some short walks (hence the flip flops).

Played in streams...

What is better then soaking your feet in tumbling cool water, smelling the pines, and listening to the bubbling of a brook mixed with the delighted laughter of children?

We just enjoyed being together. And while I was enchanted with God's amazing creations my beautiful daughter gave birth to my first grandbaby. A sweet baby boy. More on that miracle later.

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