Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Thrifting Queen

My mom sent us a surprise care package and inside were these thrifted treats: ADORABLE mini Pyrex casserole dishes- in cool colors too! There were a few more goodies in the box as well- perfect macaroons and almond cookies.

Speaking of my amazing mom. She started thrifting way before it was cool. I'm not sure but raising nine kids on my dad's teacher salary might have been the initial motive. Now it's the joy of the hunt. She has found some amazing treasures. One of the reasons I love thrifting is because it brings back so many happy memories of treasure hunting with her. Even as a desperately-trying-to-be-cool teenager I loved going yard sale shopping with her- admittedly I sometimes hid in the car to make sure no fellow teens lived in the house- after determining the coast was clear I jumped out and joined her.

Mom recently stopped at a yard sale while on vacation. (Don't you do that too? On my recent trip to San Antonio I wouldn't let the family leave the city until we went to a thrift store I had heard good things about). Anyhow, somewhere between Missouri and Illinois she found dishes that perfectly matched her wedding set. Mom was in heaven- just wishing her suitcase was bigger. Dear dad would have enjoyed seeing the sights of the city they had gone to tour but he let her have her slightly abbreviated shopping spree before heading on down the road.

Back home, Dad, wise man that he is, has turned the back of their van into his personal retreat. While mom hunts for treasures (and we all know that can take a while) he relaxes in the van. He has a stash of books and Reader's Digest magazines to read, a pillow and blanket in case he wants a nap, and snacks and drinks to enjoy. Doesn't that sound like the perfect man?! Drives you to your destination, there to help load the big stuff and there to praise the bounty! He is a dear, good man.

Here's a quick picture of the garden goodies from last Monday. Check out that huge honeydew!


  1. What a great man to go junking with! The pyrex bowls are nice. I haven't seen any like that around.

    Your produce looks great! Especially, the honeydew!

  2. WOW, those are huge! They look SO good.


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