Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ragged Edge Quilt

I finished my first ragged edge quilt and I learned a few things! First off, if you are going to make a ragged edge quilt...don't cut out the squares while you watch a movie because you will need your brain to remember that the selvaged edges won't fray... so don't cut out all of your squares thinking that the selvaged edge will be in the seam allowance... because it won't be... and you'll be left without enough fabric to re cut them... ugh.

I also learned to always use Hobb's heirloom premium batting and not the stuff (sew perfect batting) that is on sale and lumps up the first time you wash it- so, not cool after all of that work!!

My last tip for the day is- prewash your bright pink fabrics so that they don't run all over your pristine white material... oops! I know... I know... you are always supposed to prewash... but some rules are so confining and it is easier to work with the fabric with the chemical sizing stuff still in it... but, live and learn... maybe :o)

Anywho, I used 12", 9", and 6" squares. The fabric is mostly Grand Revival by Tanya Whelan. You just cut out your squares and zig zag them onto the top of another piece of fabric until you have all of your blocks. Then zig zag your blocks onto a large piece of fabric. This is a baby quilt so it only took six blocks with some edging. Hope you learn from my brainless bloopers! Have fun!


  1. I like the cotton batting personally. Then when it is washed it shrinks a tiny bit and gets that old fashioned quilt look. :)

  2. i like that old fashioned look too- but in this quilt the batting pulled apart and lumped up in sections-so now there are places with no batting and places with big lumpy chunks- ick... maybe I should have had more quilting on it- holding everything in place better?

  3. Probably the prettiest quilt I've seen! LOVE it!




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