Monday, February 15, 2010

New pillowcases for the new bed

While I wait for good weather so that I can finish painting my bed I've been working on new bedding- I was inspired by these pillowcases from Rosehip on etsy (which are a good deal once you consider the cost of designer fabric and cool colored crochet thread- not to mention the time involved).
You Go Girl has made a few of these adorable pillowcases as well- here is her version. The patterned fabric is from Free Spirit- designed by Jennifer Paganelli.

I adapted my baby blanket scallops for the brighter pink crocheted edge above. All of the ric rack really is vintage (a yard sale find).
The fabric for these pillowcases I found at WalMart- but the colors were too bright. I washed them with Rit color remover. Then I washed them with chlorine bleach- still too bright. So, I used an old Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic trick and turned the fabric inside out- now it has that vintage look that I like. I cheated a bit on the fancy pink crocheted lace pillowcase trim in the above picture- it is purchased crocheted lace from WalMart that I dyed pink with Rit petal pink dye.

We've lived in this house for about five years and I haven't really done anything in my bedroom- as I mentioned before I'm design schizophrenic. Seriously, I change my mind about the style I want things about every thirty seconds. So, I'll try out this bedding for a bit and then see what I'm in the mood for- right now it is a delightful burst of Spring and sunshine!

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