Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Recovering the Cracked Plastic Highchair Seat

Thanks for your good wishes.  We aren't really well yet.  In fact, pneumonia (in the five year old) and some other lung crud is working it's way through the family.  Poor little grand baby is at the doctor's office right now- hopefully his congestion isn't pneumonia too! He's back now and gratefully it's just crud.

Before I succumb to whatever is burning in my lungs I thought I'd recover the old highchair.  The plastic chair cover was cracked and icky.  I found some heavy 100% cotton (washable) decorator fabric at Hancock's.  I think I spent about $5 on the fabric.  I used sew perfect Make It Green Cushion foam in the 1" thick variety.  It was easy to cut with plain old scissors.

 I've never done this before but this is how I did it:  I just cut around the old chair cover, leaving a generous seam allowance.  Sewed around, leaving an opening at the top. 

Put the new cover on the foam and cut around it- making it slightly smaller then the chair cover.  I slipped the foam inside the cover and sewed a little flap onto the top to hold it in place on the back of the chair (exactly how the original cover was made). 

Since little man is sick you get the pose with the Easter bunny- not as cute- but now I can go act sick again....

1 comment:

  1. That will be much more plesant for him to sit on.


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