Thursday, January 20, 2011

What's Your Love Language?

What's your love language?- and I don't mean Italian, French, or Southern drawl.  I think most everyone has heard about the five love languages.  If not you can learn about Gary Chapman's book here.  He believes that we feel loved by acts in one of five basic areas.  Relationships can become strained when the love language you express yourself with is not the same one that your spouse needs.  You can also take a test to find out which love language you speak- hey,  you might be bilingual!  There are five basic love languages:  words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, gifts, and physical touch.  My love language is acts of service- and my husband is fluent!  

He noticed that I like to do my hair while sitting on the floor- that I was always looking around for a magazine or book to set my hot curling iron on so that it wouldn't melt the carpet- he made me this little parking garage for my curling iron and hair dryer.  Yep, I leave it tucked next to the wall (and large mirror that is leaning against said wall) all the time- it's so convenient and safer for the kiddos that dance around me while I'm trying to straighten my frizz head.

Over Christmas break he made these really deep, wrap- around- two- sides -of- the- garage shelves for our home- love them!  Can't wait for the paint to completely dry so that we can start filling them up with camping gear, etc.

And dear husband, thanks for learning my language and for showering me with your love!


  1. Funny. I sit on the floor to do my hair, too! What a great guy you've got there!

  2. He's a pretty cool dad too!! We APPRECIATE his service as well.


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