Saturday, March 19, 2011

Finally HOME

Wow, it has been a BUSY ten days!  My husband and I ran away to San Antonio for a few days and it was delightful!  We came home Saturday, went to church on Sunday and packed up the kids and left to drive the 12 hours to Mesa AZ on Monday morning (leaving around 3 a.m.).

I want to post about our trips - I'm drowning in laundry, suitcases and strawberries to plant-so, I'm sitting here surfing the web.  Yikes, I've got to get busy but here is a cute headband project that I just had to share.... tooooo cute!  The tutorial is at i candy.

And just in case you don't have anything to do with about $6,000 and a few weeks check out what flea market trixie did to her kitchen- her remodel included appliances- very impressive!

More next week!

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