Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Magnetic Quote Boards for Activity Day

For activity day today we made magnet boards for the girls to display their favorite quotes and goals, etc.  We started out with these metal signs that I found on clearance at Hobby Lobby ($2.20 each).

The girls each picked out their favorite scrapbook paper, we cut the paper to size and mod podged it over the "glamorous" chair pix.  That took about five minutes.  They added a top coat of mod podge to give it a nice glossy finish.  While that dried, the girls used scrapbooking paper and embellishments to decorate a few basic quotes that I had printed up.  To finish the project the girls tied a ribbon onto the hooks on the back so that they could easily hang it up. 

I had made the girls glass marble magnets for Christmas and never given them the gift.... yeah, so it's only March I refuse to feel guilty!  I admit it I fall behind ( you should not see the stacks of stuff that still needs put away from my food storage presentation....it makes me tired just thinking about it....). 

Anyway, they attached their cute quotes with the magnets and dashed home to show their parents.  We squeezed in a tiny bit about goals and the benefit of having a daily reminder posted on their adorable magnet boards, too.  They seemed to have fun.


  1. Do you have left overs? It would be cool to have a qoute board by my bed with a qoute that I could change out. Love it.

  2. VERY cute idea, I am sure the girls loved it. I will have to be on the look out for something cheap for my activity girls to modify.


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