Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Blog Suggestions

I hope you had a fabulous fourth of July.  Because of drought conditions causing extreme fire danger in our area all fireworks were cancelled- but that didn't stop us from having a fun and patriotic day.  We went to a flag raising ceremony and breakfast at the church and ended the evening at a  BBQ with family and friends.

True to form I'm still taking it easy (thus all photos are from the past) but I did find a few other blogs that are filled with great ideas.

The Floss Box is sharing basic embroidery stitching lessons- a perfect craft for while you hide indoors from the heat and watch an old movie (try Libeled Lady with Myrna Loy).

Need a summer project?  An awesome way to organize the gazillions of digital family photos we all have was shared by Amanda over at the crafting chicks

Want to try some healthy recipes?  How about checking out the sprouted kitchen or Oh, she glows -
while I'm not vegetarian or vegan trying to eat in a healty way is paying off- my husband commented yesterday that my jeans were looking ridculously baggy and would I like him to go shopping with me to find some new ones.... yeehaw!  That is about the nicest thing anyone has said to me this year :o)  (Talbot's signature jeans pictured above- not my photo yet- darn!).


  1. That's exciting to need new jeans for that reason!!! I've got to start the healthy cooking thing.

  2. YEA!!!! I am happy for you. Have fun shopping.


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