Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Some Sweet Things allowed on my healthy eating plan

My new healthy eating plan allows for no sweeteners except for honey and fruit juice.... so, what do I put on my whole wheat pancakes???? 

Well,  I like St. Dalfour Red Raspberry all natural 100%  fruit jam- sweetened with concentrated grape juice- available at HEB (if you live in Texas).

I also like R.W. Knudsen organic apple butter- sweetened with apple juice- I purchased mine at the health food store- but our Wal Mart used to carry it.

When I'm craving a sweet treat I like Barbara's Fig Newtons in raspberry flavor- sweetened with a bunch of concentrated fruit juices.

Or sometimes I just eat three Krispy Kreme doughnuts- but I'm trying!



  1. I've decided to join the healthy eating tryers as well. :) I am giving myself weekends off though, at least for now. I know myself well enough to know that I can't go cold turkey. But, if I tell myself that sure I can have a piece of cake but I have to wait until Saturday or Sunday that is way better. LOL
    I'll have to look for some of these ideas. :)

  2. hurah! we should join forces and help and encourage each other!

  3. Hey, thanks for the recommendation on Barbara's cereal bars and such. Did you know that you can buy them on Amazon with their subscribe and save program and get them for a pretty good price? It is about $1 less per box on Amazon as it is at the local stores. :)


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