Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Decorations

Well, it's about time to take down the decorations. I have been known, in some years past, to leave my decorations up well into January. This year I'm ready to pack them up and get organized again. I thought I'd share a few of them first.

I've wanted to make these glittery trees for over a year. At a yard sale I found a bag of these brush trees for 5$ (there were 50 of them in various sizes). I bleached a few white and dyed a few pink. Then I used spray glue and glitter to sparkle them up. I added a few metal ornaments, taken from a miniature tree decorating kit. Someday I want to add those cute vintage looking paper houses (also covered in glitter).

I collect nativity sets. Here is one that Clarissa made for me several years ago.

Another set I found at a thrift store.

A friend invited me over to make beaded ornaments.

The beaded tree cross stitch has now been turned into an ornament.

One of my favorite Santa ornaments.

Well, I guess it's time to wish you a Happy New Year and to start packing things up. Have a happy day!


  1. I love that you shared your favorite decorations, it looks like you created some really fun ones this year!

  2. I love that a good portion of your decorations are home made. A friend of ours gave us some homemade ordaments and they are my favorite. I loved your pictures. They were well done, and captured your treasures in a Christmasy background. Go mom.


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