Friday, January 15, 2010

Sweet Hubby

It was my birthday this week and sweet hubby really out did himself. For my gift I asked for his help on a "little" make-me-a-new-bed project. He said yes- I'm so excited!! He also surprised me with a clean house, a home grilled steak dinner, some friends invited over for the evening and a dozen roses. Have I mentioned that I LOVE that man?!

I had some fun thrifting today and spent $40 at Goodwill- yeah- some fun fashion remakes are in the works and I'm chompin' at the bit to get started. If you are in the mood to transform a cardigan Target has a bunch on sale for less then $5. Don't forget to check out JCrew if you need some inspiration-



  1. I want some cardigans. I will look online, ours didn't have any. I can't wait to see your bed.

  2. Yea. I am excited to see what your new bed looks like.


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