Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Homemade Shelf

I thought I'd share the awesome shelf my husband made for our son's room.  He's a whiz!  He designed it himself.  I still have a big bunch of books to bring in- but it has already made our bedtime routine more fun because all of junior's favorites are on hand.  Here is how he attached the shelves.

Since I'm talking about books (again) The Candle Bible for Toddlers is my favorite storybook for teaching little ones Bible stories.  My children love to read it to each other and they remember the stories! 

My heart is sad today.  Our dear friends daughter passed away this week.  She was a beautiful girl who had been married for less than a year.  She had a severe asthma attack on Saturday and went back to her Heavenly Father on Monday.  Her family has asked that we all remember how dear our loved ones are and how frail this life can be.  So, give your children an extra hug and let them know how much you love them.

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