Thursday, October 7, 2010

Home again, Home again, jiggity jig...

Well, I'm home.  I spent about a week near Portland, OR and about five days in and around the Phoenix, AZ area.  I went to the Red, white and blue thrift store and found a cute blouse and a great frame.  They have some very upscale clothes.  It does take time to dig- the clothes are sorted by color but not by size.

I spent some time at Sunset Beach.  The water on this beach isn't safe to swim in- no problem for me.

I'm a sit and listen to the waves kind of gal.  I did take a long walk along the edge of the ocean and while a way a few hours reading a fun book.

I also explored the KinoKuniya Asian bookstore- LOVED it.  So many fascinating things to look at and to imagine trying.  I did come home with two craft books and some great tape-

Best of all I was able to spend time with my wonderful family- gotta love that!

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