Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Activity Day sewing project & What I've been up to

As you know I've been assigned to lead a church group of girls ages 8-11 in a bi-weekly midweek activity (love it!).  This week we are sewing fleece hats and making no sew scarfs- just in time too- as a cold front hit town yesterday... brrr.

Since it's more then a tad bit chilly out it is the perfect excuse to stay home and snuggle under the covers reading a book.  I'm a bit embarrassed to admit it, but I enjoy old fashioned Christian romances.  The ones I read will probably never win great literature awards, (English teachers probably tremble at the thought)- but it's fun entertainment.  My rationalization is that I watch very little TV, go to the movie theater about once a year- or less--- so this is my guilty pleasure.  Last week at the library I found A Tailor-Made Bride by Karen Witemeyer and really enjoyed it.  Amazon has this one used starting at $3.50

Did I mention covers?  Don't you hate getting into a cold bed?!  One night while preparing for bed I took a heating pad (the kind you get at Walgreens for a bad back) and placed it between the sheets- turning it on high.  By the time I've brushed my teeth and said my prayers my bed is toasty warm.  I shut off the pad, toss it out of the bed and snuggle down for a warm winter's nap.  Works for me.

Another book that looks delightful is Cath Kidston's Stitch- maybe I can talk my librarian in to getting a copy?!

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