Monday, February 28, 2011

Busy Wonderful Weekend

Wow- I need a weekend to recover from my weekend!!  The highlight was on Sunday.  Our family was able to hear President Uchtdorf speak here in Texas.  Here is a link to a mini message from one of his talks- create  - so you can see what a wonderful opportunity it was to hear him in person and for our kids to get to shake his hand-

These white chocolate macadamia nut cookies were one of the handouts that I gave the ladies at the women's conference in our area.  On Saturday morning I had the opportunity to teach (about 130 women) about food storage and a tiny bit about emergency preparedness.

 My theme was tropical and I had leis and brightly colored tablecloths, etc.  We talked about filling our pantries by buying two cans extra each trip to the grocery store- and I made kind of a cheesy- but fun -connection about remembering a toucan (two-can)  every time we're at the store- over all I think it went well.

Saturday night we had about fifteen people at our house for a BBQ.

This Wednesday sixty women from church have been invited over for me to teach them how to make simple earrings- probably only five or six will come- now if I could just wave a magic wand and have my neglected house cleaned....

I'm planning to run away with my hubby for a few days next week and I can hardly wait!!!


  1. How neat that Pres. Uchtdorf came to your conference. I think he is my absolute favorite!! (if that is even allowed!;) ) Thanks for sharing that clip from him too! What a great reminder for me today!

  2. You deserve your nice break.

  3. Your presentation looked great. Cute handouts! I am glad it went well!


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