Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Activity Day- Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy

This is another activity day activity found on Sugardoodle.  The girls made banana splits (ours didn't look this fancy- I forgot to take a picture).  I had an ice cream bar set up with all sorts of toppings.  I included ketchup and mustard.  Then we discussed why the girls didn't put those toppings on their ice cream. 

We talked about some toppings are good on Sundaes and some toppings are good (on fries)- they just aren't right for Sundaes.  Then we talked about Sundays and how there are good activities that aren't quite right for Sunday (like athletic events)- and activities that can make our Sundays sweet (like reading Bible stories).

We talked about the ideas of appropriate things to do on Sundays on this handout- that link isn't working so hot- the handout is also found here.

For our activity the girls helped make sugar spiced pecans to share with their families (these are good on ice cream and also really yummy to munch on as is- and they make your house smell awesome while they bake).

1 comment:

  1. Emm the house did smell yummy!! You are amazing! Thanks for your example of service. You served everyone yesterday.


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