Friday, June 20, 2008

The Evidence

Sorry, I haven't posted much lately. There have just been one too many things to worry about and about forty too many things that need done- now... here is the evidence of my stress level.

And a sneak peek at two of the projects I've been working on. A scrapbook for my mother in law-(she kindly sent me a quickkutz silhouette to make it easier).

And a gift quilt (for snuggling under while watching old movies) made with fresh squeezed charm squares and coordinating fabric from Hancocks.

Hopefully I'll be breathing easier in about three weeks- have a great day!

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Dog Days of Summer

We've had some very hot days for our area! Even with his buzz haircut our outdoor dog was not feeling so hot (well, maybe too hot!).

So, Mark and I went online and researched misting systems. He found one that looked like what he wanted but instead of buying it, he just looked at the list of pieces that came with the kit. Then he, clever man that he is, went to Home Depot and bought them for a fraction of the cost. He came home, put it together and now our pooch is happy!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Some Cute Free Blog Templates & Tutorials

I found this cute site today and thought it might be helpful. I haven't tried out their tutorial- but if you're as computer illiterate as I am- it can only help! :0)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Friendship Pillow

I finished this project for a friend's birthday gift yesterday. I used an old pair of jeans, part of a Memory Lane charm pack and some vintage buttons I had collected.

First, I found a quote that I liked. Then I typed it up in different fonts and selected one, printed it, traced it onto a muslin type cloth and embroidered it. I didn't measure the patchwork too carefully because I wanted it to look like there were slightly different sized scraps, etc. I sewed the patchwork together and then onto the pillow. I made the cording by sewing together a long chain of scraps and then folding it over cotton cording (you can buy at any sewing store)and sewing close to the cording with the zipper foot. Then I sewed the cording to the front of the pillow, attached the back, turned it right side out, put the pillow form in, and hand stitched the opening closed.

I hope she'll like it...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Opinions Please

I finished this bracelet the other day- it's supposed to have a vintage look. I think it needs more beads and or charms- what do you think?

Monday, June 2, 2008

New Post Layout

Oh, yeah- I just spent three hours that I didn't have trying to get strips of paper down the edge of my page- I hope you like them ;o) I'm not sure how I did it- so, they might be there for awhile!

5/4/08 I forgot to mention that Cami D. (yes, of the Stapley clan) recommended the site sjh blog design for directions. I would never have figured it out by myself.