Monday, October 26, 2009

Great Day

I woke up this morning to cool perfection- just right for snuggling under the covers. Now big fat raindrops are plopping all over my world- it sounds great and it smells damp and wonderful. Don't you just love the secure feeling of home, a warm cocoon, when it is stormy outside?! Blessings abound -my husband has a job to go to- the car starts- and Christmas music plays on the radio. Brown sugar oatmeal for breakfast and delicious left over hamburger soup for lunch- life is good.

A Halloween Flashback- last year's Halloween tree that sometimes looks black and glittery and sometimes looks silver-

Hope your day is full of love and blessings, too!


  1. Christmas music already. I've watched Miracle on 34th Street, but am missing out on the music.

  2. It's has magic powers and can change colors. I like those blessings.


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