Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Flick

Alrighty, if you are a Jane Austen, BBC, fan and you hate gory scary stories you might want to watch the 1983 BBC mini series of Jane Eyre this Halloween. It has a little mystery mixed in with the romance and a woman who triumphs over adversity and temptation.

This version stars Timothy Dalton and Zelah Clarke. There are eleven episodes- so set aside a couple of evenings or an all day marathon. I watched it through Netflix on demand. I give it five stars.


  1. I realize that Jane Eyre is by Charlotte Bronte- but I think that if you like the BBC Jane Austen movies you will probably like this one too- just sayin'

  2. I love the Jane Eyre book. I have an old black and white movie of it from the 40's. (I think) I will look for this one. Thanks!


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