Activity Day is a church activity for girls ages 8-11. We try to teach them a skill, reinforce keeping God's commandments, provide an opportunity to serve and help them to have fun. This month's big event was a Christmas party.
To give the girls a chance to serve the girls hosted a Christmas party for their siblings. Admittedly, I should have had them help more with the planning and given out more assignments. The girls mostly just helped at the party.
So, what is a sibling party? We only have a few girls in our group and most of them have siblings around the same age. We invited all of them to the house for a Christmas party. Making it "easy" we had "fancy" food- hot dogs, fruit salad, chips and cherry juice mixed with sprite. Then we played some games like pin-the-nose on Rudolph's face and Christmas Bingo.
For crafts we made popsicle stick ornaments (see the snowman photo at the top of the post), folded fancy paper airplanes and test flew them (a huge hit) and decorated cupcakes (always a favorite). While the girls helped host the event and run the activities (with my dear hubby) I pulled out family groups and took a few photos to be used in future craft projects. Crazy fun!

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