Friday, September 4, 2009

T-Shirt Makeover 2

I found this shirt at a thrift store- and despite what the photo shows- loved the PUMPKIN orange on a very light brown background. I loved the ruffle at the collar too. Ruffles are everywhere this season. But when I got home and put it on it looked like I had a feminine noose around my neck- not so good! What's a girl to do? I stay stitched around the base of the collar, cut off the offending ruffles, folded the fabric under and stitched it in place- now it is much better.

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Rissa said...

It is muche better and you look great in it. Be sure to pack that when you come so I can see it in person.

Karli said...

I think YOU make the shirt look so fabulous! You are beautiful! And can I just say that I love your hair? Seriously. Wanna teach me how you do it? Way to see the potential and have the sewing skills to make it happen!

Amber said...

Wow where do i place an order?!!
(0: So cute!! Oh and you look beautiful.

arkie said...

Good reinvent!

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