I'm sorry the posts around here have been fewer and farther between... I'm relaxing in the super hot summer weather we are having around here... I'll be back eventually. For now I'll be....
staying close to home
browsing through whole food/ real food cookbooks
playing board games with the kids
staying up late talking with them until I fall asleep in one of the kid's rooms
hanging out while the kids take their swim lessons
eating squash from the garden
going to the library
spending hours reading
spending hours reading out loud to my sweet not-so-little little ones
watching my grandbaby splash in the kiddie pool
Occasionally crafting and forgetting to take pictures...
hope your summer is just as sweet!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Summer Break

Thursday, June 16, 2011
Using the Garden Fresh Zucchini
I simplified and adapted it. I baked some zucchini in the oven at 375 for about 30 minutes- until tender- but not soggy. While that was baking I made some whole wheat breadcrumbs and mixed that with Parmesan and fresh parsley. At the stove I browned some mild sausage and some chopped onions and fresh garlic. When the zucchini was ready I sprinkled the onions, garlic and sausage on top. Then covered that with the breadcrumb, parsley & cheese mixture. I broiled that for about four minutes- just until the breadcrumbs were toasty brown.
At first I thought this dish would be to dry- but once I cut into the zucchini and the vegetable juices started to flow it was pretty tasty.
7/2/11 I deleted my scary looking attempt at food photography and went with a generic zucchini photo from the web....

Creating a Dress Up Kit for Kids
I find the dress up section at Magic Cabin inspirational. I've mentioned it before- my kids favorite dress up accessories are their "play silks". We made our own. We just browsed through Hancock's fabric and purchased a yard- or less- of various magical looking fabrics -Every now and then I see something in the remnants bin that will work so I bring it home for the kiddos. Just this week my little guy was running around the house with a cape tied over a sash- both concoctions he had made using his "play silks". I love the magic that children bring into our home!

Monday, June 13, 2011
Zipper Pouch
Quick fix- after looking at a few of the gazillion zipper pouch tutorials online- I whipped up this little bag to help keep things organized. And "whipped" is the word- it took less then 20 minutes- from first snip of the fabric to finish. I'm all tickled because my purse is more organized now. (Fabric is printed duck cloth from Hancocks)
I'm finding that I enjoy simple mini-organizational improvements. Like placing the sheets and pillowcases that are toppling from the top of the linen closet into labeled plastic tubs (with no tops on) so the stacks stay stacked and I can find things without excessive digging- took 120 seconds and makes life easier and neater.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Making Jewel Covered Flip Flops
She used Wal Mart flip flops, flat back rhinestones, and e6000 glue. She glued the gems along the top of the flip flops and now she is letting the glue cure for 36 hours before wearing.... sparkly cuteness!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Hair Styling Blogs for Hair Challenged Mommies
I admit it- I'm not any good at styling hair- not even close. My youngest daughter has the whimpiest head on the planet- so, rather then endure tears we generally go with the "brush it yourself" parenting technique. Now that she is approaching 12 I've felt motivated to try a little harder. I've done some research and here are my favorite four blogs with hairstyling ideas- some even have videos.
Some of these styles are way beyond my skills- but most of these blogs have "quick and easy" labels- and some of these blogs are no longer active- but the files and many of the styles are timeless. Enjoy.
Adopt-a-do- cute girl hairstyles
Cutie Pie Hair Creations
Pretty Hair Is Fun To Do
The Story of a Princess and her Hair
My daughter did relent and allow me to style her hair on Sunday and it actually turned out really cute- this picture from Pretty Hair is Fun To Do shows the style we chose . I was so proud of myself. So, even though I've been letting my kids watch Get Smart reruns all week I'm giving myself a good mommy high five!

Thursday, June 2, 2011
Yummy Mexican Bean Salad
6/3/2011- This salad tastes so much better fresh- the recipe makes a large bowl full so share with friends- it's not nearly as good once it has marinated too long.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Not Near an Ocean: Blog Surf
When it is too hot to be outside it can be fun to do a little blog surfing.
Miss Mustard Seed has a list of DIY decorating bloggers
I found a list of creative and inspiring blogs to check out at the link below:
Babbles Top 50 Lists
Two of my favorites are listed below:
Fabric Bows and More- tutorials of fun things to make and then wear in your hair- or to let your daughters wear :o) Umm, now I want to make about a million more hair accessories! You could also make these artsy flowers and wear them as clothing accessories, or shoe clips, add them to pillows,or purses, etc.
Sew.Craft.Create This mom of three has a husband that just graduated from Harvard and a blog with crafty ideas
He and his older sister both enjoy creating things- especially when they can leave everything out and ready to add on to. They are currently building a lego city.