Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Corsage shirt

I'm feeling so much better.  Thanks for all of the 'get well' wishes...  now there are piles of dishes and laundry to get to.  But I wanted to quickly post my version of the ever popular corsage shirt.  Sorry about the icky pictures- no time for retakes!.  Just cut a stack of 2" and 2 1/2" circles out of an old t-shirt (you'll need five circles per flower).  Then fold four circles into fourths and sew them to the center of a circle. 

Then you fluff up the flower and tack it down in random spots to keep it "fluffy" and sew it onto your blouse.  Easy Peasy.

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1 comment:

Rissa said...

That looks really good on you. I like the necklace

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